Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Luke's trips to Wulai

I went to Wulai. We went down bridge and play skipped rocks. It was the first time Iskipped rock. You need round, flat rocks. We all went on the little train. I ran all the way past the street. It ran so fast. I had lots of fun on the train. It's fun to shoot balloons. It was just $50. I shot 4 balloons. I had lots of fun in Wulai maybe someday you will go to.

Derek's day in Wulai

I went to Wulai in a trip. I liked skipping rocks the best. We went the river. This is the first time I skipped rocks.Teacher Mike taught us how to skip the rock. You need flat, round rocks to throw. Then, it will be easier to skips more times. I threw rocks with Alan. Alan can skips four times!

We shopped for some food in the road. I shopped with Alan. We saw a BB gun game. It costs 30NT$. Luke played the BB gun game. He shoot three balloons. Alan saw a sword. He liked the sword. He bought that sword. We got fun in the shopping road.

We went riding on the train. The train was small and slow. I sat with Arthur. Arthur enjoyed his trip very much, because he was shouting on the train.

We had a good day. I hope Ican come to Wulai again.

Arthur's Trip to Wulai

I went to Wulai in the moring with my class. When we got there, all of us were in the Yun Shan Resort. Teacher said we could eat lunch now.But after that, Archie's camera disappeared! We searched here to there, but we still couldn't find it. We gave up and return to our journey.
Teacher Mike took us to our next place-a river.Teacher taught us how to skip rocks. When he threw them he could skip them across river with three steps! I hoped I can do it like teacher, too! But when I tried to skip rocks. Luke threw a cup. Too bad. I used a straw and got the cup out of the river.
After finish this, we went to a street and we started to see what thingss were inside. We walked and walked, we saw a stall where you can stoot a BB gun to the balloon. Luke shoot and took a strange gift. After, we left Wulai.

What a happy day!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tamshui Lao Jie

Tanshui is near Taipei so there are lots of people who go to Tanshui. You can take pictures of the big sea. You can take a taxi and bus or even the MRT. It's a good place to go at night because you can feel the wind. We went in the middle of the day and it was very hot. From Taipei Main Station to Tanshui by MRT takes about 36 minutes. Driving takes close to an hour in a school bus. I had lots of fun there.

Fisherman Wharf

Tamshui fisherman's wharf started on February 14, 2003. The lover's bridge was opened and named by President Chen Shui Bian. It's length is 164m. Next the coastal wooden path is made by south pine , 510 meters. It's a place where you can watch the evening sun. People can not forget the coastal wooden path . At last I will tell you about the blue high way. Passenger ships in Tanshui, when they are in the blue high way, we can ride to Fuchi, Yehliu, pisha, and Aoti etc. I hope everyone to enjoy in this trip.


Tamshui is in the north of Taipei. There are many fun places and many good things to do -- like Tamshui old streets, Fisherman Wharf, and some temples and farms. You can eat some seafood or some Taiwanese snacks on the Tamshui old street.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Who We Are

We are Derek, Arthur and Luke -- students in Chuck School's Travel Blog Camp. We will be traveling to fun places around Taipei and writing about our experiences here. We are the Green Team. There are four other teams in our camp. Stay tuned for more posts.