Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Derek's day in Wulai

I went to Wulai in a trip. I liked skipping rocks the best. We went the river. This is the first time I skipped rocks.Teacher Mike taught us how to skip the rock. You need flat, round rocks to throw. Then, it will be easier to skips more times. I threw rocks with Alan. Alan can skips four times!

We shopped for some food in the road. I shopped with Alan. We saw a BB gun game. It costs 30NT$. Luke played the BB gun game. He shoot three balloons. Alan saw a sword. He liked the sword. He bought that sword. We got fun in the shopping road.

We went riding on the train. The train was small and slow. I sat with Arthur. Arthur enjoyed his trip very much, because he was shouting on the train.

We had a good day. I hope Ican come to Wulai again.

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