Monday, January 25, 2010

Rex go to Neiwan lao jie

I went on a bus neiwan. It took two hours to get there. We went to Neiwen train stations to eat lunch it was very yummy!After we ate we got some lemon A,YU.
It was very sweet.Then lurossed the street to see a rooster It was very cute.Then
we went to the museum and saw a very big frog and rabbit.
Finally we saw an ETin Neiwan.everyone wanted to get a picture with it. We also
walked across a suspension bridge.There were many trucks and a dirty river below.
next time.I want to ask my mom and dad to come to Neiwan.


  1. Remenber to look at your words if you miss spell.

  2. You didn't take picture of LaiJou?

