Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Andrew's day at Ilan

A Trip to Ilan

Hi ! My name is Andrew. I am in the New Green Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I went to Ilan.We left NeIhu at 9:30. We took the bus to Ilan. On the bus we were very hot and we were excited, too.We arrived at Baimi Community. At the Baimi Community I saw lot of wooden clogs. And I saw them use a hammer and a chisel to make the clogs. I also saw a lot of patterns.We also went to The Center for Traditional Arts.At the Center of Traditional Arts, I fed the fish. My team and I all fed the fish. We saw the hungry fish eating our food. And we saw the dance show. Then it was time to go home. I felt happy. Then we took the bus and went home.


  1. I heard Liam fell into teh fish pool and changed places with the fish!

    guess who i am

  2. guess who i am
    Your Teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
