Thursday, August 5, 2010

Archie at Pingsi

Yesterday, I went to Pingsi at 9:30. We went to the coal museum and watched TV. Then we drove in the van to Jingtong Old Street. Some people bought drinks because they had no water. We ate lunch at Jingtong Old Street. Then we walked over the train track and some people blew bubbles. We saw a rest area and a waving bear. The bear’s paw was moving. We walked to the top and saw grasshoppers and fire ants and then went back. We saw a wild dog in the playground. Some people fed him train to Pingsi Old Street. We saw a lantern fall into the water. One grandma was very kind, she gave us some water, and two people bought a BB gun. I bought a fan and some people bought bubbles and drinks. Uncle bought some people sausages. We went back to Chuck and talked and played on the bus and I had a happy day.