Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Arthur Went To Ilan

The Trip to Ilan
Hi! My name is Arthur. I am in the New Green Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I went to Ilan. We left Neihu at 9:30. We took a bus to Ilan. On the bus, everyone was very excited. We told funny stories, took pictures of Ilan, and talked about the hot sunny day.
When we get off the bus, we saw a place called “Baimi Community”. It made everyone very surprised. Inside, we saw craftsmen and women making clogs. The only thing that I really liked was the very big clogs. The big clogs were very big and heavier than I thought. When we left the Baimi Community, we saw somebody playing with big bubbles, so we played that, too!
After we left, we went to “The Center for Traditional Arts”. But we were very hungry, so teacher let us eat lunch. Our lunch was fan-twan. But some people bought ice cream. The ice cream flavors were pineapple, mango, peanut, and yam. There were also has ham and cheese sandwiches, broccoli, and apple, too!
After lunch, my teammates and I went to see the puppet shop, where we saw many puppets. We fed some fish, too! Also, we watched the dance show.
Finally, it was time to leave. We said goodbye to Ilan. I hope we can go there again.