Friday, August 6, 2010

Andrew Went To Mucha Zoo

Today we took the MRT to the Mucha zoo. We saw flamingoes. They can sleep on one leg. Then we saw Miramar deer. I think the Miramar deer were so shy. And we saw monkeys. The monkeys were so strong, because they can jump between trees. We saw a bear, too. I think the bear was so lucky because in his home he has so many things, like a punch bag and a swimming pool.

We went to the insect museum. Inside, there were a lot of butterflies flying around. The butterflies were so pretty. They were yellow, blue and orange.

Finally, we went to the MRT and came home.

Archie's Trip To The Zoo

Today I went to the zoo. We went to the zoo by MRT. We saw flamingos, deer, goats, Taiwan monkeys, Taiwan black bears and all kinds of insects. We looked at Taiwan butterflies and we saw a butterfly with a broken wing. We saw Taiwan monkeys playing games, deers eating, and Taiwan black bears playing. When we were coming back to Chuck on the MRT, an old grandma said we were too loud. I had a great day.

Arthur's Own "ZOO DAY"

Today we went to the zoo by MRT. Everyone felt excited to see pandas.

After we left the MRT, we went to see the flamingos. The flamingos looked like dancers on the stage.They made me feel very cool.

Next, we went to see the deer. They were male. In the old days, they were everywhere in Taiwan. Then I saw the otters. But they were sleeping, which made me feel very sad.

Last, we went to see the insects. The butterflies looked very cute. There are 400 types of butterfly living inside! That made me feel cool and happy.

It was time to go. I said goodbye and hope I can go back to the zoo to see the pandas.


I'm sorry I didn't write more.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


We took a bus to Pingsi. When we got to Pingsi, we went to the Coal Museum. There were a lot of miner’s tools, like helmets, flashlights and water bottles. On the 2nd floor, we saw a lot of bird photos. One photo was very funny, so I took a photo with my friend. Then we went to see a model of a mine. Teacher Andrew said that being a miner was not healthy, because they were under the ground. And this work was not safe. So they took a bird called a canary with them. If the canary sang, they were safe, but if the canary died they were not safe and had to run out of the mine in 5 minutes.

While we were waiting for the train, we took a walk on a mountain. When we were walking, we saw a dog. We played with the dog. And we also saw a floating lantern in the sky. The train came, so we got on and went to Pinsi Old Street. I bought a BB gun. Then we went to the bus and went home.

Arthur went to Pingsi and Jingtong

Pingsi,Jingtong Fun
We took bus to Pingsi and Jingtong.But the driver didn’t know where it was,and that made me feel very hopeless.
At last,we got to Jingtong.I saw many dates on the ground.So I read them“1972,1978……2002.”We found“Jingtong Life Museum.”It was free,so we didn’t need to pay any money.Teacher told us the workers underground were looking for coal.They spent their whole life doing this job.Sometimes,the people down the coal mine died because of no water,or the coal mine collapsed,or no oxygen.It made me feel very sad.
After we left,teacher let us eat lunch.The lunch was still fan-twan,but we also had apple juice to drink.
When we had finished our lunch,teacher took us up the mountain.When we were on the mountain top,we saw a room which had a stage,so we took a picture of it.
Soon,we were ready to take the train from Jingtong to Pingsi.We were excited about it.“Boo Boo!”The train stoped.
We went to Pingsi Old Street.I bought a bottle of water for NT$15.
It was time to go home,so we said goodbye.I hope I can go back.

Archie at Pingsi

Yesterday, I went to Pingsi at 9:30. We went to the coal museum and watched TV. Then we drove in the van to Jingtong Old Street. Some people bought drinks because they had no water. We ate lunch at Jingtong Old Street. Then we walked over the train track and some people blew bubbles. We saw a rest area and a waving bear. The bear’s paw was moving. We walked to the top and saw grasshoppers and fire ants and then went back. We saw a wild dog in the playground. Some people fed him train to Pingsi Old Street. We saw a lantern fall into the water. One grandma was very kind, she gave us some water, and two people bought a BB gun. I bought a fan and some people bought bubbles and drinks. Uncle bought some people sausages. We went back to Chuck and talked and played on the bus and I had a happy day.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Archie's Trip To Ilan

Hi! My name is Archie. I am in the New Green Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I went to Ilan. We left Neihu at 9:30. On the bus, everyone was very hot and very excited, because the weather was sunny. We arrived at the Baimi Community at 10:45. They use chisels and hammers to make clogs. They paint the wooden shoes and put leather on the shoes. Craftsmen make patterns, too. We played with bubbles and bought toys in the toy shop. It was still hot on the bus. Some people ate ice cream, and ham and cheese sandwiches, too. Our team went to watch the dance show for a little bit, then we went to feed the fish. Everyone had fun. At 3:00 we came back to Chuck. I really enjoyed the camp and I had a great day.

Arthur Went To Ilan

The Trip to Ilan
Hi! My name is Arthur. I am in the New Green Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I went to Ilan. We left Neihu at 9:30. We took a bus to Ilan. On the bus, everyone was very excited. We told funny stories, took pictures of Ilan, and talked about the hot sunny day.
When we get off the bus, we saw a place called “Baimi Community”. It made everyone very surprised. Inside, we saw craftsmen and women making clogs. The only thing that I really liked was the very big clogs. The big clogs were very big and heavier than I thought. When we left the Baimi Community, we saw somebody playing with big bubbles, so we played that, too!
After we left, we went to “The Center for Traditional Arts”. But we were very hungry, so teacher let us eat lunch. Our lunch was fan-twan. But some people bought ice cream. The ice cream flavors were pineapple, mango, peanut, and yam. There were also has ham and cheese sandwiches, broccoli, and apple, too!
After lunch, my teammates and I went to see the puppet shop, where we saw many puppets. We fed some fish, too! Also, we watched the dance show.
Finally, it was time to leave. We said goodbye to Ilan. I hope we can go there again.

Andrew's day at Ilan

A Trip to Ilan

Hi ! My name is Andrew. I am in the New Green Team of Chuck’s Summer Blog Camp. On Monday, I went to Ilan.We left NeIhu at 9:30. We took the bus to Ilan. On the bus we were very hot and we were excited, too.We arrived at Baimi Community. At the Baimi Community I saw lot of wooden clogs. And I saw them use a hammer and a chisel to make the clogs. I also saw a lot of patterns.We also went to The Center for Traditional Arts.At the Center of Traditional Arts, I fed the fish. My team and I all fed the fish. We saw the hungry fish eating our food. And we saw the dance show. Then it was time to go home. I felt happy. Then we took the bus and went home.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Angel Learns about Taipei

Today we went to the Discover Taipei. We took the MRT to Taipei City Hall. First we went to the 4th Fl. I drew lots and took many pictures. Then I went to the 3rd Fl. I saw a T.V, then we went outsite to eat lunch. Finally we went home.

Ann Learns about Taipei

Today we went to Taipei City Hall station. We rode on the MRT. That was so cool. We got to see a traditional courtyard house that was so cool. We got to get fortune papers. And we went to Taipei's Major Thoroughfares. There was one place you could have a running race.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Jasmine learns about Taipei

Today we went to the Discover Taipei Museum. It was in Taipei City Hall. We took the MRT to get there. First we went to the 4th floor. I saw a farmer and a big rock. Then we went to the 3rd floor. We saw a TV. I took a picture with a panda. Then we came back.

Angel's trip to Ying Ge

Yesterday we went to YingGe. First, we went to the Ceramics Museum. There was an artist named Jimmy. I made a ceramic cat. It was fun. Next, I went to Ceramic's Park. First we ate lunch. Next I went to make the five rubbings. I got many pictures. Last we went to YingGe Lao Jie. This is the old street. I saw a big fountain. I took many pictures. It was fun. Then we came home.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ann Trip to YingGe

Yesterday I went to YingGe . We went to the Ceramic Museum . There was an artist named Jimmy . We went there and made Ceramics . I made a cat that was so cute . We had fun there .Next we went to Ceramics Park . When we got there ,we ate lunch . We found many pictures that were so cute . Next, We went to Laojie . Some stuidents wanted to buy a harp . We saw a cool fountain . we went there and then back .

Jasmine Trip to Ying Ge

I made an owl Candle.It has a star on the back,I also put stripes on it.Everybody's hands got very messy.Then we went to the Ceramics Park.We sat down and ate lunch.Then we went to make rubbings.Everybody went shopping in the gift shop.Finally,we went to Ying Ge Lao Jie.We saw an ocarina.Then we came back.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Angel goes to Sanzhi

Yesturday, we went to SanZhi.

We first went to the Puppet Museum. The puppets were cute.

Next, we went to the Sea Shell Temple. We went in a tunnel to play and eat. I saw some dead animals.

Then we went to the windmills. I saw many flowers and windmills. The windmills were very big. Last we went to a Fountain and Bridge. I saw a big three-wheel fountain and walked across a suspension bridge.

Ann goes to San Zhi

Yesterday we went to San Zhi . Wesaw a Puppet .My friend played with the puppets and talked .There was a lot of music a , monkey and a Gitrle . There was an old man . His name is Li Tian Lu . Next we went to the Sea Shll Temple to play . There was a lot of food to eat .My teacher said to eat if you want to eat . The food was free !There were dead animals . I saw a shark and turtle . They were so cute . There were many beautiful and smelled good . There were many wirdmills that were cool . Last we went to a bridge over the river .

Jasmine Goes to San Zhi

We went to the Puppet Museum.I saw many Puppets.Then we went up and saw pictures of Li Tian Lu and a Trophy.

Then we went to the Sea Shell Temple.We saw very big Sea Shells and a real shark.There were people praying there.

Then we went to see wind mills.There was an electricity meter.There were six wind mills.They were near the sea.Last we went to a Fountain and Bridge.It was very scary on the bridge.It was very high.Looking down I saw very pretty flowers.

New Green Team!

We are in our second week of Travel Blog Camp. Our new green team has already been on an adventure. The new green team has three members. They are Angel, Ann and Jasmine! Stay tuned for pictures and news about our trips.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Chanel goes to the Zoo

I went to the Taipei Zoo today. We took the MRT a long time to get there. We saw many animals. Some were cute and some were fierce. Some of the animals I had never seen before.

Jasmine goes to the Zoo

We went to the zoo. We saw many animals. I saw two mice sleeping together. Some did not come out and some did. I really like the zoo because there are many animals. I hope I can come again!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chanel goes to Yangminshan

We went to Beitou and Yangminshan . The weather was hot. First we went to BeiTou Hot Spring Museum. It was like a Japanese House except it is not a house. The rules said we must take off our shoes. There was short movie.

Next we went to Thermal Valley. There were hot springs and cold spring. The hot spring water was 194 fahrenheit. The cold water was 54 fahrenheit! I think nobody will jump inside the hot and cold spring! The smell was like sulfur!!!

Then we went to Yang Ming Park. We saw a flower clock, pond, duck and turtle, too. And we ate lunch! The flowers were very pretty.

Last we went to Da Tun Nature Area. The air was very fresh and clean. We saw 13 Wedding pictures at the little lake. I saw a lot of colorful pretty flowers , too.

Jasmine Goes to Beitou and Yangming Shan

We went to a Japanese House.Inside we needed to take off our shoes.When it was eleven o'clock we saw a short movle.Then we went to Thermal Valley.It was very hot.It was 194F. Then,we went to Yangming Park .We sat down and ate lunch .We saw a very big flower clock .Everybody ate lunch then we went to a pond . There was a duck and a turtle .Finally we went to the DuTun Area .We see many people taking wedding pictures and a little lake . Then we hiked to the bus and went back .

Rex goes to Beitou and Yangming Shan

We went to Beitou and Yangming Shan.It was very hot-just like summer.It was 24C to 26C.

Then we rode a bus to beitou hot spring museum,there was a japanese House but you needed to take of your shoes.We went downstairs to see Beitou rocks.It was very old and had a big beitou map.We saw people selling ice cream.Everbody to try it,but I couldnt because I was sick

Next, we went to the Thermal Vally.The water wasnvery hot.It was 90C and it hade a sulfur smell.

Then we went to the Yangming park to eat lunch and we see the flower clock.after we ate we went to see the ducks eating and the turtle.

Finally,we went to Da Tun nature Area hike,When we hiked we saw somebody taking wedding pictures.I think there were couples having wedding pictures at a little lake, when we went hiking the rocks were very slippery and someone slipped In the end,everbody was very tried.

I want to come again.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Chanel goes to Neiwan

We went to to Neiwan. It took a long time to get there. When we got there we saw a lot of food, toys and lots of other things. We ate Aiyu. It was a little sweet. We could buy many things. It was a rainy day when we went to Neiwan, though.We saw a train and a bridge. The bridge looked very scary, but when I stepped on it I wasn't scared. I also saw a pair of roosters and a giant rabbit. The rabbit was the biggest one I'd ever seen.

Rex go to Neiwan lao jie

I went on a bus neiwan. It took two hours to get there. We went to Neiwen train stations to eat lunch it was very yummy!After we ate we got some lemon A,YU.
It was very sweet.Then lurossed the street to see a rooster It was very cute.Then
we went to the museum and saw a very big frog and rabbit.
Finally we saw an ETin Neiwan.everyone wanted to get a picture with it. We also
walked across a suspension bridge.There were many trucks and a dirty river below.
next time.I want to ask my mom and dad to come to Neiwan.